
Dwaarkill Courses

Hallowed Be Thy Name: A Theological Study Of the Nature and Work of God

taught by Bill Spanjer Jr.

A study of God's self revelation, attributes and trinitarian nature as well His work of creation and providence.


Behold The Lamb: Seeing Christ in the Law and The Prophets

taught by Bill Spanjer Jr.

Exploring the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament

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Rediscovering Postmodernism: A Christian Understanding of the Human Experience

taught by Justin Chiarot

A fresh look at the philosophical themes and thinkers that undergird Postmodernism and a reconsideration of how the Christian may relate to them.


Shepherding The Wind: A Study Of The Book Of Ecclesiastes

taught by Dr. Kevin Chiarot

A study of the book of Ecclesiastes and its sobering perspective on "life under the sun" as well as its call to true joy.


Behind Enemy Lines: A Study Of The Screwtape Letters

taught by Bill Spanjer jr.

A study of C.S. Lewis' brilliant and penetrating work in which we consider our vulnerabilities to sin and the counter strategies necessary for the pursuit of holiness.



A New Atheism

taught by Justin Chiarot

A study of the underlying presuppositions behind the phenomenon know as the "New Atheism" as well as a critique of the teaching of its major proponents.


Living in Exile: Navigating the Christian Life in a Secular Culture

taught by Bill Spanjer Jr.

A study of the Christian's calling to be "in the world, but not of the world" in the pursuit of faithfulness and fruitfulness.

The History of Political Thought

taught by Justin Chiarot

A history of political thought from Plato to the present, with an overview of the ideas that have shaped the form of governments from the ancient Greek and Roman empires, through the Middle Ages, Reformation, Enlightenment, and the age of Revolutions into the twentieth century.


The Book of Revelation: Developing a Kingdom Vision

taught by Bill Spanjer Jr.

A study of the book of Revelation helping us to see the world as God sees it and challenging us to faithfulness in service to the Lamb.