Martin Luther on Trial
Join us for a lecture on Martin Luther on January 13, 2017 at Goshen Christian Reformed Church at 7 pm and then as we attend the Max MacLean production of Luther On Trial in NYC on Friday, January 20th.
As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Reformation there will be many tributes to and studies of Martin Luther and the providential work of God through him. In January of 2017 (specific dates to be announced) we are planning one of the more fun tributes to Luther namely traveling to NYC and attending the play, Martin Luther On Trial, produced by Max MacLean. This is an imaginative play that considers the lasting effects of Luther's life, both positively and negatively while giving the audience a peak back at the historical moments of his life. In the play Satan brings Luther up on trial arguing that God's initial judgement of him was in error and that in light of his influence over the centuries he should in fact be damned. Witnesses such as Hitler, Freud, Nietzsche, Martin Luther King Jr., and Pope Francis are called to the stand and cross examined.
Though all in our group may make their own plans, many of us will meet in advance of the play and have dinner at John's Pizza on 266 W44th St. (8th Ave.) which is an experience of its own.
The week prior to the play we will host a lecture on Martin Luther as a prelude to the show setting the context and background of Luther's life and work. It will all be a lot of fun and a great chance to celebrate the life of the great reformer.