It must have been brutal to have been one of those people who showed up to be healed by Jesus only to find out that he had just left the area. In Luke 4, after Jesus had healed Peter’s mother in law and many others he left and went off to be alone. The crowds, anxious to have him continue the amazing works he had been doing, pursued him and tried to convince him to stay. How many people hoped that this might be the answer to their prayers for healing only to be disappointed? How many people travelled some distance to get there and see him only to find out he was gone. When asked to stay, Jesus denied their request. He had come to teach, he said, and must go to others. How do we reckon with the painful reality that Jesus would not stay and heal the broken. How do we deal with fact that Jesus does not answer many of our prayers for healing and other good things? Didn’t he care? ...