It seems that there are two opposite and grievous errors we make when it comes to the commandments of God as Christians. The first is the one I most often see in my high school students, namely that of the “Whittler”. The Whittler asks the question with regards to the law, “how far can I go without technically breaking the law.” Students will ask of sex for example, “how far is too far?” They know the law of God and that they are not to fornicate or commit adultery, but they wonder just where the limits of those prohibitions exist. It is not that this is an inappropriate question all together. It reveals at it best, a recognition that there are boundaries that need to be observed, but underneath the question in many cases is the a perspective which views the law as an annoyance getting in the way of my happiness. Many of us might ask the same kinds of questions with regard to our taxes. Sure we need to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but does he really need to know about that money that I made painting my neighbor’s garage last summer? And so we whittle away at the law trying to justify our desires and convince ourselves that almost anything we do is “technically” not breaking the law....