
The God Who Washes Our Feet

What an amazing week it must have been for the disciples leading up to Easter morning.  With the intensity growing each day, they must have felt the anticipation of something great on the immediate horizon.  Jesus had made an intentional and unambiguous gesture on Palm Sunday riding into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and in his refusal to silence the crowd as they cheered and called him the messiah.  As they had hoped and anticipated, He was making his kingship public and they must have felt that their three years of confusing discipleship were finally beginning to move to their climax.  And yet there were still causes for confusion amidst all the excitement. For one, just after the exhilarating event of entering Jerusalem as king, according to John’s account, Jesus began to speak about his glorious moment.  “Now is the time for the Son of man to be glorified…” How this must have excited his faithful followers who had left everything because of their belief that He was the long expected deliverer of His people.  But then Jesus went on, ....